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ANNOUNCEMENT: Classes in Public Elementary and High School will Begin in June 3

The School Year 2019-2020 shall formally open on Monday, 3 June 2019 and shall end on Friday, 3 April 2020 in all public elementary and secondary schools nationwide.
For more information, read DepEd Order No. 7, s. 2019: Link

— DepEd (@DepEd_PH) May 8, 2019

Classes in all public and high schools are to start officially on June 3, 2019 as announced by the DepEd (Department of Education) last Wednesday  May 22, 2019.
The new school year will consist of 203 school days, inclusive of the 5-day in-service training for teachers and the 3-day parent-teacher conferences according to Education secretary Leonor Briones.
She also said that schools that will digress from the schedule should notify their respective regional office in advance. On the other hand private schools may choose to deviate from the DepEd’s official school calendar, but they cannot start classes earlier than the first Monday and not later than the last day of August.

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