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Cagayan de Oro Man Arrested for Stealing Cellphone

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Cagayan de Oro City – A man in Cagayan de Oro was arrested for stealing a cellphone from an eatery, citing financial hardship and his 13-year-old child’s upcoming birthday as his motivation.

The suspect, who confessed to the crime, explained his desperate act: “I was forced to steal, ma’am. I wanted to get something for my child’s birthday.” He claimed he intended to return the phone, stating, “I would have given it back right away.”

The incident unfolded when the suspect, pretending to buy food, noticed the eatery attendant had left her bag unattended while washing dishes. He seized the opportunity and grabbed the cellphone. However, the eatery owner witnessed the act and immediately alerted authorities, leading to the suspect’s arrest.

Police Station 9 Chief, Captain Byron John Ratunil, described the suspect’s modus operandi: “He saw his chance when the owner stepped away. The phone was visible, and he took it. It was a clear case of opportunistic theft.”

Authorities are investigating the suspect for potential involvement in other robbery incidents. He is expected to face theft charges.

“This type of theft is becoming increasingly common. Their methods are easy to execute,” Ratunil stated. “We will be filing theft charges because he simply took the phone.”


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