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Guidelines for CNA incentive 2019 with up to 25k for gov’t employees

Here is the guidelines for CNA incentive 2019 with up to 25k for gov’t employees

The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) has released the Guidelines on the CNA Incentive 2019. Qualified government employees can receive cash bonuses up to P25,000 and shall be granted not earlier than December 15, 2019.

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The following excerpts are based on the recent DBM Budget Circular No. 2019-5.

Collective Negotiation Agreement (CNA)

This may be granted to both management and rank-and-file employees of agencies with approved and successfully implemented CNAs in recognition of their efforts in accomplishing performance targets at lesser cost, in attaining more efficient and viable operations through cost-cutting measures and systems improvement.

Coverage of CNA Incentive 2019

This Circular covers the following civilian personnel occupying regular, contractual, or casual positions rendering services on full-time or part-time basis in national government agencies (NGAs), including Constitutional Offices enjoying fiscal autonomy, SUCs, GOCCs, LWDs, and LGUs, whether or not covered by Republic Act (RA) No. 6758:

  • Rank-and-file employees who are members of an employees’ organization accredited by the Civil Service Commission (CSC) as the sole and exclusive negotiating agent (hereinafter referred to as “negotiating agent”) in accordance with rules and regulations issued by the Public Sector Labor Management Council (PSLMC);
  • Rank-and-file employees who are non-members of the CSC-accredited sole and exclusive negotiating agent but want to enjoy or accept benefits under the CNA, subject to payment of agency fee to the negotiating agent in accordance with PSLMC Resolution No. 1, s. 1993; and
  • Those who perform managerial functions.



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1 thought on “Guidelines for CNA incentive 2019 with up to 25k for gov’t employees”

  1. Antonio S Magallanes

    Good day we were just asking for the updates of the CNA ? No one give us a comprehensive answer for the last two years. The DBM with the RA 6758 under the budget cecullar no 2019_5 that the employee will get a 25,000 incentive what happen ? It’s been two long years of waiting without complaining.

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