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Want to write for us?

Do you have stories to share? Or ideas you want to write? But you’re worried no one might read your article. Good news! Deped Tambayan is looking and accepting articles, essays, poems, and stories to be shared on our website and other publishing platforms. Reach a wider audience by submitting your work to us. And you may also receive cash gifts and certificates.

Read our following guidelines and start writing to us today. If you already have one, please check our article bellow if it’s aligned with our guidelines:

What I should write about?

  • Inspiring stories
  • Teaching experiences
  • Teaching materials
  • Informative articles
  • Tutorials
  • Poems
  • Essays

What are the writing requirements and policies?

Your unique and original work must be 500 to 1500 words long. Poems will be in free form, but we prefer a longer one. You may include personal photos, videos, diagrams, and other kinds of graphics to be used within the article. Graphics that you don’t own must include proper attribution.

It may also be helpful if you use proper heading and use numbering or bullet points to make the content easier to read and more organized. Links are also allowed. You may link to your site and other sites that are related to your topic. But be warned that we don’t allow affiliate links.

By submitting your work to us you must agree with our policies. This includes correcting spelling and grammar and adding necessary media to help the article or story more appealing to our readers. We may also remove words that are defaming or obscene for our general readers. You’re submitted work should not be submitted again to other sites other than DepEd Tambayan and its subsidiaries. Please refer to our terms of use for more info.

What document format should I use?

Please use one of the following document formats: .doc, .docx, .rtf, html, .odt (google docs format). Please avoid using PDF format, since it may cause difficulty on transferring it to our platform.

How can I send my work?

Please submit your work using the document format we have allowed on this email Please wait at least 24 hours for our reply. You may send it again if you aren’t able to receive a confirmation email. Alternatively, you may ask for confirmation using our contact page or through our Facebook Page.

Once approved your work will be published on our website and including to all our social media accounts. An email containing the links of your published article will be sent to your participating email.

If you have questions please don’t hesitate to contact us through our contact page or through this email

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