20 March 2020
1. This is in reference to DepEd Order (DO) No. 007, s.2019 “School Calendar for School Year 2019-2020,” DO No. 11, s. 2018 “Guidelines on the Preparation and Checking of School Forms” and DO. No. 2, s. 2020 “Multi-Year Implementing Guidelines on the conduct of the K to 12 Basic Program End-of-School Year Rites.“
2. As prescribed in DO 007, s. 2019, 203 days shall be the total number of school days that shall be reflected in School Form 9 (SF9), Learner’s Progress Report card.
3. To determine the Number of Days Present, the actual number of days the learner was present shall be reflected. However, on days that classes were suspended, there is a need to qualify by indicating the number of days were suspended and Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) was undertaken, e.g. 15 days suspended with ADM option.
The number of days the learner was absent within the month prior to the class suspensions/Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) period shall be reflected. For purposes of compliance with the required 80 percent attendance of a learner, the total actual absences prior to class suspensions will be the basic consideration.
This means that a learner whose Percentage of Attendance (No. of Days Absent/203 x 100 = Percentage of Absence) is lower than 20 percent shall be deemed to have met the attendance requirement for the school year.”
See sample illustration on the images attached:
4. The suspension of classes from March 15 to April 14, 2020 is in compliance with the directives of the President, and the Memorandum issued by the executive Secretary entitled “Community Quarantine over the entire Luzon and further Guidelines for the Management of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-2019, and in accordance with DepEd Memorandum No. 42, s. 2020 entitled ” Guidelines on the Alternative Work Arrangements in the Department of Education in Light of the COVID-19 Stringent Social Distancing Measure.
5. Pursuant to DO No. 007, 2019 and DO No. 002, s, 2020, the date of graduation/moving up that shall be reflected in the diploma/certificate shall be any date between March 30 to April 17, 2020, depending on the date of the actual conduct of the ceremonies. In cases where graduation/moving up ceremonies cannot be held, the ate to be reflected shall be April 3, 2020.
6. For any clarification or inquiries, please contact the office of the Director IV, Bureau of Learning Delivery at email address or through telephone numbers 8636-6540/8637-4347.

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Sir, Suspension of classes due to COVID19, was March 10, 2020 to April 12, 2020.Then there’s another announcement that it is extended until April 14, 2020. So there are only 6 days of classes from March 2-6-Monday to Friday and March 9- Monday. March 10, started the suspension.