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DepEd Philippines School Calendar for School Year 2019 – 2020

DepEd Philippines School Calendar for School Year 2019-2020


DepEd Order No. 7, s. 2019

  1. The School Year (SY) 2019-2020 shall formally open on Monday, June 3, 2019 and shall end on Friday, April 3, 2020. It shall consist of 203 school days, inclusive of the five-day In-Service Training (INSET), the three days for the Parent-Teacher Conferences to be conducted within the school year, and the World Teachers’ Day; provided, that during the five-day INSET, students shall be given advance reading for the attainment of learning objectives.
  2. Private schools may deviate from this School Calendar. However, they may not start classes earlier than the first Monday of June nor later than the last day of August, as provided in Republic Act (R.A.) No. 7797 entitled An Act to Lengthen the School Calendar from Two Hundred (200) Days to Not More Than Two Hundred Twenty (220) Class Days. Said schools should notify in advance their respective regional offices (ROs) regarding any deviation from the school calendar.
  3. The Implementing Guidelines on the SY 2019-2020 Calendar of Activities are provided in Enclosure No. 1 to enable the schools to effectively and efficiently implement the school events and activities. Likewise, the guidelines shall allow the ROs and the schools division offices to provide support to schools, particularly in the areas of instruction, and progress monitoring and evaluation.
  4. Schools may observe national and local celebrations other than those indicated in Enclosure Nos. 2 and 3, provided that these are beneficial to the learners. In this regard, ROs may issue a supplemental calendar to reflect their local events.
  5. To compensate for unplanned suspension of classes such as natural and man-made calamities, the Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) or make-up classesare recommended to be undertaken. The conduct of such activities must be agreed upon by school heads, teachers and concerned parents.
  6. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.


(Enclosure No. 1 to DepEd Order No. 7, s. 2019)


I. Rationale

1. The Department of Education (DepEd) ensures the effective implementation of the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum for every learner to acquire quality, accessible, relevant, and liberating basic education. The implementation of the K to 12 Curriculum provides opportunity and sufficient time for the learner to acquire and master lifelong learning skills for the 21st century as well as time for other learning opportunities beyond the classroom for more holistic development, and/or to prepare the graduates for higher education, middle level skills development, and the world of work. Hence, schools are encouraged to adhere to the school calendar to comply with the required number of school days for the optimum attainment of the learning standards as well as to ensure the observance of national/local school events and activities/celebrations. The school calendar also reflects the events and monthly celebrations/observances for the year.

2. The policy aims to provide direction and guidance to schools in planning their respective activities relative to curricular operations and other celebrations/observances within the required number of school days.

II. Scope

3. The implementing guidelines for this school calendar shall be applicable to both public and private elementary and secondary schools nationwide.

4. Private schools may deviate from this School Calendar. However, they may not start classes earlier than the first Monday of June nor later than the last day of August, as provided in Republic Act (RA) No. 7797 entitled An Act to Lengthen the School Calendar from Two Hundred (200) Days to Not More than Two Hundred Twenty (220) Class Days. Said schools should notify in advance their respective regional offices (ROs) regarding any deviation from the school calendar.

III. Definition of Terms

5. For the purpose of this policy, the operational definition of the following terms are as follows:

a. Awards Committee– a committee organized by the school head to establish processes of, standards, and timelines in determining qualifiers for awards as well as to deliberate on the qualifications of candidates for awards and recognition.

b. Co-curricular Activities– activities and learning experiences that are undertaken side by side with the curricular activities. These learning experiences complement what learners are learning in school.

c. Curricular Activities– opportunities and experiences undertaken by the learners in the classrooms, laboratories, and workshops, as well as school-based and out-of-school activities conducted to ensure the learners’ acquisition of the K to 12 learning standards and the 21st century skills.

d. Early Language Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (ELLNA)– an assessment administered at the end of Grade 3 as a key stage assessment to determine if learners are meeting the learning standards in early language, literacy, and numeracy.

e. Exit Assessment– a standardized set of examinations taken by learners in Years 6, 10, and 12. The test, which covers the 21st century skills, is designed to determine if learners are meeting the learning standards set forth in the K to 12 Basic Education Program.

f. In-Service Training (INSET) – a learning and development activity for teachers and staff that may include seminars, workshops, conferences, exhibitions and Learning Action Cells that are designed to update their knowledge, skills and competencies that will result to considerable evidence of improved teaching-learning and instructional leadership practices which enhance learners’ performance and competency levels.

g. National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE)– an aptitude test geared towards providing information through test results for self-assessment, career awareness, and career guidance of Grade 9 students of the K to 12 Program.

h. Parent-Teacher Conference– an opportunity to bring parents and teachers together in partnership to support learners’ academic success and happiness. Teachers shall discuss with the parents the academic progress and social behavior of their children and showcase the outputs of the learners.

IV. Policy Statement

6. The DepEd hereby issues these guidelines to ensure that the number of school days required for curriculum operations and school-related activities are complied with and standard school events and celebrations/observances are being conducted during the school year to ensure quality teaching and holistic learning.

V. Guidelines

7. The School Year (SY) 2019-2020 shall formally open on Monday, June 3, 2019 and shall end on Friday, April 3, 2020. It shall consist of 203 school days, inclusive of the five-day In-Service Training (INSET), the three days for the Parent-Teacher Conferences to be conducted within the school year, and the World Teachers’ Day; provided, that during the five-day INSET, students shall be given advance reading for the attainment of learning objectives.

8. Corollary to the K to 12 goal for the holistic development of the learner, schools are encouraged to organize curricular non-classroom-based activities that involve learners such as science fairs, showcase of portfolios, trade fairs, school sports, campus journalism, festival of talents, job fairs, career orientation, and other similar activities.

9. Parent-Teacher Conferences shall be done every Second Saturday after the Quarterly Examinations, except on the last conference in April 2020. It will be used as a venue to apprise the parents on the performance of their children and ensure their involvement in school activities. These conferences shall be conducted alongside with the Distribution of Report Cards and conduct of curricular non-classroom-based activities where feasible and appropriate.

10. A general assembly shall be conducted by all schools at the beginning of the school year to orient stakeholders on the vision, mission, and core values of DepED, as well as curriculum, co-curricular programs, and ancillary services that support learners’ development and other continuous improvement initiatives, and to generate proposals. A year-end General Assembly is also encouraged to present the School Report Card (SRC) and consult the assembly on how to better achieve the vision, goals, and objectives.

11. Deworming of children in school shall be conducted in the months of July 2019 and January 2020.

12. Career guidance activities shall be conducted between July and November 2019 to guide Grades 9 and 10 students in making informed choices on their preferred Senior High School track. College and middle level skills fair, job fair, business and entrepreneurship expo, and similar activities shall be conducted during the last quarter of the school year to ensure placement of Grade 12 students in their preferred curriculum exits.

13. At the end of the Second Quarter, a semestral break for learners shall be observed to evaluate individual teachers and their collective performance, as well as to conduct the School-based In-Service Training (INSET) activities for their continuing professional development and for the preparation of their Instructional Materials (IMs).

14. The Christmas break shall begin on Sunday, December 15, 2019. Classes shall resume on Monday, January 6, 2020.

15. To ensure quality of learning, formative assessments shall be regularly conducted by the teachers. At the national level, the Bureau of Education Assessment (BEA) shall administer the National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) to assess the aptitude and interest of students and provide them with relevant information on their skills, abilities, and readiness for academic and non-academic courses, the Early Language Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (ELLNA) to measure the literacy skills of the learners in their respective Mother Tongues (MT), Filipino and English, and Exit Assessments such as National Achievement Tests (NAT) for Grades 6 and 10, and the Basic Education Exit Assessment (BEEA) for Grade 12, to determine if learners are meeting the learning standards set forth in the K to 12 Basic Education Program. The Regional Offices (ROs) and Schools Division Offices (SDOs) are encouraged to administer the ELLNA for the MT.

16. The summer/remedial classes shall begin on Monday, April 13, 2020 and end on Friday, May 22, 2020.

17. Deliberation of awards and recognition may be conducted two weeks before the graduation or moving-up ceremonies by the School Awards Committee (AC) for the following:

a. Learners who will receive recognition and awards; and
b. Learners who are candidates for graduation.

18. Accomplishment of year-end financial clearance of learners is strictly prohibited in accordance with the Department’s No Collection Policy.

19. In preparation for the opening of classes for the coming SY 2020-2021, the schools shall conduct the following activities:

a. Early Registration of learners beginning on the last Saturday of January in the schools where they wish to study, as stipulated in DepEd Order No. 3, s. 2018;
b. Brigada Eskwela (date to be announced) to enable the community and the school to prepare their facilities before the start of another school year.

20. In Enclosure No. 2, a calendar is presented with the following markings on relevant dates:

a. Declared holidays and weekdays with no classes (x).
b. Days with school activities for teachers, personnel, and other stakeholders ()
c. Days that are subject to Presidential Proclamation (+)

21. Attached is Enclosure 3 listing the celebrations/observances provided by law. Schools are encouraged to integrate such celebrations/observances in curricular activities as reasonable and appropriate.

VI. Monitoring and Evaluation

22. The Curriculum Learning Management Division of the ROs and the Curriculum Implementation Division of the SDOs shall monitor the compliance of schools with the provisions of these guidelines. Queries on these guidelines shall be addressed to the Office of the Director IV, Bureau of Learning Delivery, via email address at telephone numbers 637-4346 and 637-4347.

VII. Effectivity

23. This Policy shall take effect immediately upon publication in the DepEd website.

VIII. References

D.O. No. 25, s. 2018, School Calendar for School Year 2017-2018
D.O. No. 13, s. 2018, Implementing Guidelines on the Conduct of Remedial and Advancement Classes During Summer for the K to 12 Basic Education Program.
D.O. No. 3, s. 2018, Basic Education Enrolment Policy
D.O. No. 55, s. 2016, Policy Guidelines on the National Assessment of Student Learning for the K to 12 Basic Education Program

(Enclosure No.2 to DepEd Order No. 007, s. 2019)

Monthly School Calendar of Activities
For School Year 2019-2020

20-25   May 27 – June 7 ·         Brigada Eskwela   ·         Oplan Balik Eskwela  
1   3 6   9   12 23 Tentative   Tentative Tentative ·         1st Parent-Teachers Conference   ·         Beginning of classes for SY 2019-2020 ·         Eidul Fitar (upon proclamation of the President of the Republic of the Phil.) ·         Special Administration of Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) ·         Independence Day (regular holiday) ·         Department of Education Founding Anniversary ·         Early Language Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (ELLNA) ·         National Achievement Test (NAT) Grade 6 ·         NAT Grade 10 1st Quarter   48 Days
1-31   2nd week ·         Deworming of School Children   ·         OK sa DepEd  
8-9   12   17   21 26 Tentative ·         1st Quarter Examinations   ·         Eid’d Adha (upon proclamation President of the Republic of the Phil.) ·         Distribution of Cards (2nd Parent-Teacher Conference) ·         Ninoy Aquino Day (special non-working holiday) ·         National Heroes Day (regular holiday) ·         National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) for Grade 9 2nd Quarter   48 days
5   17-18 21 21-25 26 28 ·         World teachers’ Day   ·         2nd Quarter Examinations ·         Start of the Semestral Break ·         In-Services Training for Teachers ·         Distribution of Cards (3rd Parent-Teachers Conference) ·         Resumption of Classes 3rd Quarter   45 days
1   Month ·         All Saints Day (special non-working holiday)   Activity  
Tentative         3rd Sunday 4th Sunday Nov 30 ·         Basic Education Exit Assessment for Grade 12 (BEEA)   ·         Administration of Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT)
– Luzon
– Visayas and Mindanao ·         Bonifacio Day (regular holiday)
15   24 25 30 31 ·         Start of Christmas Break   ·         Additional Special (non-working day) ·         Christmas Day (regular holiday) ·         Rizal Day (regular holiday) ·         Last Day of the Year (Special non-working holiday)  
1   6 9-10 18   25   1-31 ·         New Year’s Day (regular holiday)   ·         Resumption of classes ·         3rd Quarter Examinations ·         Distribution of Cards (4th Parent-Teacher Conference) ·         Chinese Lunar New Year’s Day (Special non-working holiday) ·         Deworming of School Children 4th Quarter   60 days
25     3-14 17-21 ·         EDSA People Power Anniversary (Observance upon proclamation from Malacañang)   ·         SPG/SSG Election (1st to 2nd Week) ·         NSPC/NFOT
12-13     19-20 ·         4th Quarter Examination (Final Examinations for Grades 6 and 12)   ·         4th Quarter Examinations (Final Examinations for Grades 1-5 & 7-11)
Mar. 30 – Apr. 3   3 6   9 9 10 13 Tentative ·         End of School Year Rites   ·         Last day of Classes ·         Distribution of Cards (Parent-Teacher
Conference) ·         Araw ng Kagitingan (Regular Holiday) ·         Maundy Thursday (Regular Holiday) ·         Good Friday (Regular Holiday) ·         Start of Summer Classes ·         Palarong Pambansa
1   Tentative Month ·         Labor Day (regular holiday)   ·         Brigada Eskwela Activity
Tentative   22 ·         Oplan Balik Eskwela   ·         End of Summer Classes
  • The schedule of the administration of the Accreditation and Equivalency (A & E) test for Alternative Learning System (ALS) shall be announced in a separate issuance


x – Declared Holidays/No Classes

–  School activities for learners, teachers, personnel, other stakeholders

+ – Observance/Celebration subject to a presidential Proclamation

(Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Order No. 007, s.2019)

Celebrations/Observances Provided by Law

Month/DayCelebration/ObservancesLegal Bases
7Health Workers DayRepublic Act No. (RA) 10069
22Commemoration of the Philippine-Australia Friendship DayPresidential Proclamation (PP) no. 1282, s. 2016
May 28-   June 12 National Flag Day CelebrationRA 8491   PP No. 374, s.1965 Executive Order No. (EO) 179, s. 1994
31World No Tobacco DayRes WHA42. 19, 1988
1-30National Dengue Awareness MonthPP No. 1204, s. 1998
National Kidney MonthPP No. 184, s. 1993
W.A.T.C.H (We Advocate Time Consciousness and Honesty) Month    PP No. 1782, s. 2009
5World Environmental DayPP No. 1149, s. 1973
12Philippine Independence DayPP No. 28, s. 1962
3rd WeekNational Safe Kids WeekPP No. 1307, s. 2007
23Department of Education Founding AnniversaryAdministrative Order   (AO) No. 322, s. 1997
26International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit TraffickingPP No. 264, s. 1988
    30 Commemoration of the Historic Siege of Baler and Philippine-Spanish Friendship Day    RA 9187
1-31National Disaster Resilience MonthE.O. No. 29, s. 2017
Nutrition MonthPP No. 491, s. 1974
3rd WeekNational Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation WeekPP No. 361, s. 2000   PP No. 1870, s. 1979
23Commemoration of the Philippine-Japan friendship DayPP No. 854, s. 2005
24-28Career Guidance Week for High School StudentsDO 25, s. 2013
Last WeekLinggo ng Musikang PilipinoPP No. 933, s. 2014
      1-31 Buwan ng Wikang PambansaProklamasyon Blg.   1041, s. 1997
ASEAN MonthPP No. 282, s. 2017
National Adolescent Immunization MonthDOH Calendar 2019
Breastfeeding Awareness MonthRA 10028
National Lung MonthPP No. 1761, s. 1978   DOH Calendar 2019
Sight Saving MonthDOH Calendar 2019
Month/DateCelebrations/ObservationsLegal Bases
1st WeekSight Conservation WeekPP No. 40, s. 1954
1White Cane Safety DayRA 6759
9National Indigenous Peoples DayRA 10689
12Philippine International Youth DayPP No. 229, s. 2202
August 19Commemoration of the Birth Anniversary   of President Manuel L. Quezon RA 6741
1-30National Peace Consciousness MonthPP No. 675, s. 2004
1-7National Crime Prevention WeekPP No. 461, s. 1994   DM 158, s. 2013
2-8Literacy WeekPP No. 239, s. 1993
Sept. 5 – Oct. 5National Teachers’ MonthPP No. 242, s. 2011   DM 99, s. 2015
10World Suicide Prevention DayDOH Calendar 2019
21Commemoration of the Anniversary   of the Declaration of Martial Law PP No. 1081, s. 1972
3rd WeekLinggo ng Kasuotang FiilipinoPP No. 241, s. 1993
Last WeekFamily WeekPP No. 60, s. 1992
1-31Consumer Welfare MonthPP No. 1098, s. 1997
National Indigenous Peoples (IP) MonthPP No. 1906, s. 2009
Scouting MonthPP No. 1326, s. 1974
1st WeekElderly Filipino WeekPP  470, s. 1994
5World Teachers’ DayRA 10743   DM 46, s. 2016
2nd WeekNational Mental Health WeekPP No. 452, s. 1994
17-20Commemoration of the Leyte Gulf LandingPP No. 653, s. 1993
18-24United Nations weekPP No. 483, s. 2003
4th WeekJuvenile justice and Welfare Consciousness WeekPP No. 489, s. 2012
1-30Filipino Values MonthPP No. 479, s. 1994
Malaria Awareness MonthPP No. 1168, s. 2006
National Children’s MonthRA 10661
Philippine Environment MonthPP No. 237, s. 1998
10-16Deafness Awareness WeekPP No. 829, s. 1991
2nd WeekEconomic and Financial Literacy WeekRA 10922
19-25Global Warming and Climate Change Consciousness Week    PP No. 1667 s. 2008
    25 National Consciousness Day of Elimination of Violence Against Women and Children (VAWC)    RA 10398
Nov. 25 –   Dec. 12 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women   (VAW)     PP No. 1172, s. 2006
25National Day for Youth in Climate ActionPP No.1160, s. 2015
27Araw ng PagbasaRA 10556
4th WeekNational Week for the Gifted and TalentedPP No. 199, s. 1999
Month/DateCelebrations/ObservancesLegal Bases
Last WeekNational Music Week for Young ArtistsPP No. 25, s. 1998
1-31Firecrackers Injury Prevention MonthDOH Calendar 2019
Rizal MonthPP No. 126, s. 2001
1World AIDS DayWHO   DM 270, s. 2011
3International Day of Persons with Disabilities in the PhilippinesPP No. 1157, s. 2006
4-10National Human Rights Consciousness WeekRA 9201
2nd WeekLinggo ng KabataanPP No. 99, s. 1992
2nd SundayNational Children’s Broadcasting DayRA 8296
2nd WeekEducation WeekPP No. 2399, s. 1985
    1-31 Food Conservation MonthPP No. 1398, s. 1975
Zero Waste MonthPP No. 760, s. 2014
3rd WeekNational Cancer Consciousness WeekPP No. 1348, s. 1974
3rd  WeekAutism Consciousness WeekPP No. 711, s. 1996
23Commemoration of the First Philippine Republic DayRA 11014
1-28National Arts MonthPP No. 683, s. 1991
National Dental Health MonthPP No. 559, s. 2004
Philippine Heart MonthPP No. 1096, s. 1973
1st SaturdayAdoption Consciousness DayPP No. 72, s. 1999
11International Day of Women and Girls in ScienceUN Gen Assembly   A/RES/70/212
2nd WeekNational Awareness Week for the Prevention   of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation PP No. 731, s. 1996 DM 5, s. 2015
14-20National Children with Intellectual Disabilities WeekPP No. 1385, s. 1975
22-25EDSA People Power Commemoration WeekPP No. 1224, s. 2007
Last WeekLeprosy Control WeekPP No. 467, s. 1965
1-31Fire Prevention MonthPP No. 115-A, s. 1966
1st WeekWomen’s WeekPP No. 224, s. 1988
8Women’s Right and International Peace Day
1-31Women’s Role in History MonthPP No. 227, s.. 1988
4th WeekProtection and Gender-Fair Treatment of the Girl Child WeekPP No. 759, s. 1996
1-30National Intellectual Property MonthPP No. 190, s. 2017
2Commemoration of the Birth Anniversary of   Francisco ‘Balagtas’ Baltazar PP No. 964, s. 1997
9Commemoration of the Araw ng Kagitingan   Bataan Day EO No. 203, s. 1987   RA 3022

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