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Free Microsoft Office 365 for DepEd Teachers

What will you receive?

Each personel can receive a free Office 365 account entitles DepEd employees to have the Office 365 Suite which includes:

  • Office Suite – Includes Word, Excel, Powerpoint and OneNote.
  • Teams – A chat-based collaboration tool for group interaction.
  • OneDrive – Cloud file storage.
  • SharePoint – A web-based collaborative platform that integrates with Microsoft Office.

Register with your DepEd email. SIGNUP LINK


Office 365 Education

Get started with Office 365 for free

Students and educators are eligible for Office 365 Education for free, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and now Microsoft Teams, plus additional classroom tools. All you need is a valid school email address.

Powerful tools for students and educators

Office 365 works like you: everywhere. Familiar applications and always-accessible files update in real-time to make building your curriculum seamless and easy on Windows, Android, or iOS, or devices.

Learn more about the free Office 365. Click this link

13 thoughts on “Free Microsoft Office 365 for DepEd Teachers”

  1. Unfortunately, Office 365 for Education sign up link has been inaccessible to DepEd Teachers. Why there are few teachers have enjoyed this lifetime subscription of Office 365 for education?
    Primarily because of the long process of validation hinders most of the teachers to subscribe directly to the site which is open to all last March 2019. In my case, I was being rebuked by the head of the ITO in our Division because of disseminating it directly to my co-workers by posting it to the Workplace. That’s the reason why in my Division so very few have subscribed to it last March 2019. He thinks that I was a hindrance to his work as ITO Officer by letting my co-workers to sign up directly to Office 365 for Education site. However, I have subscribed to it well and enjoying the benefits of having Office 365 for Education in my mobile devices.

  2. Hi!

    I signed up but rejected: here’s the error’

    We can’t finish signing you up.

    Your IT department has turned off signup for Office 365 Education. Contact them to complete signup.
    Learn about other ways to get Office


    Please Sir/Mam I like to have those school supply for free like Office 365 Education , including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, One Note, plus additional classroom tools. those are very useful and i like to share to all my co-workers . beause our student most of them can not afford to buy.I am very glad and thankful. May the Lord God Bless you all.


    Thank you for Office 365 Education for free, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, One Note, plus additional classroom tools. those are very useful and i like to share to all my co-workers .

  5. This freebie works and I am sincerely grateful. However, I was hoping na instead of including OneNote, since not all teachers use a note-taking software/application, have it replaced with the Publisher app since it is more useful.

  6. A certain ICT Personnel of DepEd Cebu City says that your post about “Office 365 Education is half-baked” and I was warned not to post on our wall at the Workplace because I will mislead them about the dissemination of the said memo. I don’t think he is right to say that it is “half-baked.” I have the freedom to post so that others from my division shall know about this and thereby help in validating the account of our co-workers and be provisioned to have a subscription of Office 365 Education.

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