Download compiled Performance Tasks Quarter 1 for Grade 1 to 6. These files are compiled for easy access by our team, some links may redirect you to a Facebook group where teachers are actively sharing their files. The performance tasks files are arranged by quarter, grade level, and subject.
What is a Performance Task?
A performance task is any learning activity or assessment that asks students to perform to demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and proficiency. Performance tasks yield a tangible product and/or performance that serve as evidence of learning. Unlike a selected-response item (e.g., multiple-choice or matching) that asks students to select from given alternatives, a performance task presents a situation that calls for learners to apply their learning in context. (By Jay McTighe – Defined Learning)
QUARTER 1 – Performance Tasks for Grade 1 to 6
GRADE 1 Performance Tasks Quarter 1
GRADE 2 Performance Tasks Quarter 1
GRADE 3 Performance Tasks Quarter 1
GRADE 4 Performance Tasks Quarter 1
GRADE 5 Performance Tasks Quarter 1
GRADE 6 Performance Tasks Quarter 1
Written Works and Performance Task
16. To evaluate student learning at particular points in each quarter, summative assessments shall continue in the form of written works and performance tasks.
a. Written works shall be administered to assess essential knowledge and understandings through quizzes and long/unit tests. Items should be distributed across the Cognitive Process Dimensions (DepEd, 2015, p. 4) using a combination of selected-response and constructed- response formats so that all are adequately covered.
b. Performance tasks refer to assessment tasks that “allow learners to show what they know and are able to do in diverse ways. They may create or innovate products or do performance-based tasks [including] skill demonstrations, group presentations, oral work, multimedia presentations, and research projects. It is important to note that written outputs may also be considered as performance tasks” (DepEd, 2015, pp. 7–8). Annex B provides a list of sample summative assessments that fall under performance task for the purpose of this policy.
17. Performance tasks must be designed to provide opportunities for learners to apply what they are learning to real-life situations. In addition, teachers should take into consideration the following:
a. Each task must be accompanied with clear directions and appropriate scoring tools (i.e. checklists, rubrics, rating scale, etc.) to help learners demonstrate their learning (see Annex C for sample scoring tools).
b. Teachers are advised to collaboratively design and implement performance tasks that integrate two or more competencies within or across subject areas. Complex tasks may be broken down into shorter tasks to be completed over longer periods of time (see Annex D for sample integrative assessment tasks).
c. Learners must be given flexibility in the accomplishment of the performance tasks to consider time and resources available to them. Nonetheless, all learners within a class should be assessed on the same competencies using the same scoring tool.
d. Teachers must exercise their professional judgment in carrying out summative assessments, providing enough opportunities for learners to practice and to redo their work whenever necessary, so that they can reach their learning targets with the least amount of pressure.
18. Teachers should set realistic expectations and use their professional judgment to find a good balance between what is effective and what is feasible to accomplish remotely.
Reference/Source: DO No. 031 s. 2020
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