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This brand is donating recycled paper for public schools to print learning modules

A local Filipino brand is helping public schools in need of self-learning modules or SLMs.

Papel ni Juan, which produces multi-purpose bond paper, wanted to make available affordable and environment-friendly paper which schools could use to produce their own learning materials. Because of the threat of the coronavirus or COVID-19 pandemic, students across the nation have needed to receive education under a blended learning or distance learning program. Under blended learning, a combination of television, radio, the Internet, and printed modules are used to deliver education.

Max Sy and Valenzuela Mayor Rex Gatchalian

The printing of such modules can be rather expensive, leaving many learners all over the Philippines without enough learning materials. Each student on average needs around one ream worth of paper for his SLMs.
As a response to the shortage, Papel ni Juan created pocket-friendly reams of multi-purpose bond paper which is recycled, acid-free, and not harmful to the environment.

Papel ni Juan has also collaborated with local government units (LGUs), government agencies, and the private sector with its advocacy. For every 10 reams that the brand sells, five of these will be donated to its partners such as Save the Children through Project Aral (donation of 300 reams), A-HA Learning Center (donation of 200 reams), and the Office of the Vice President (donation of 500 reams).

Currently, Papel ni Juan sells for P130 per ream of short bond paper, P140 per ream of A4 paper, and P150 per ream of long bond paper.


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