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Remaining payment of service recognition incentive (SRI) bonus

The long wait is over the remaining SRI is to be released today Feb. 12, 2020. Some teachers have already confirmed that they received the remaining SRI amounting P3,000. The payment shall reflect on our ATMs starting today.

Here is a post from DepEd regarding the release of the full payment of service recognition incentive (SRI) bonus.

The Department of Education (DepEd) has issued the Sub-Allotment Release Orders (Sub-AROs) and corresponding cash allocations to DepEd regional offices at a uniform amount not exceeding Ten Thousand Pesos (P10,000) for the full payment of the 2019 SRI, in response to the Administrative Order No. 19 of the Office of the President titled “Authorizing the Grant of Service Recognition Incentive to Government Employees for Fiscal Year 2019.”

In a memorandum dated 07 February 2020, Undersecretary for Finance Annalyn Sevilla stated that DepEd regional offices shall coordinate with their DBM counterparts for the issuance of Notices of Cash Allocation (NCAs) to cover the cash requirements of the received Sub-AROs, subject to the submission of the Special Budget Request (SBR) supported by a Monthly Disbursement Program (MDP).

Usec. Sevilla added that the disbursements of the cash allocations issued for the 2019 SRI shall be effected by the DepEd-ROs concerned including the preparation of the payroll thru the Regional Payroll Servicing Unit (RPSU). Also, regional offices are not prevented from adopting other schemes and procedures of facilitating the payment of the said personnel benefit, subject to the usual existing budgeting, accounting, and auditing rules and regulations.

She also noted that before the end of CY 2019, the P 7,000 portion of the SRI 2019 had already been paid to all eligible teaching and non-teaching personnel of the department.

For the remaining P3,000, the funding requirements of the regional offices to cover in full payment of SRI were already downloaded last Friday, February 7, 2020, by the DepEd to the respective regions through the issuance of Sub-AROs. The regions shall submit a request to their DBM counterparts for the release of cash allocations corresponding to the allotment they received as indicated in the Sub-AROs. -DepEd

If you have already received your SRI please let us know in the comment section below.


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