Download for FREE the RPMS Portfolio which includes KRA’s 1 – 5 for Teacher I – III. We made it available in word format so you can freely edit it and add more designs as you like.

PPST-aligned RPMS tools
The RPMS tools pertain to the two different teacher performance assessment instruments, one for Teacher I to III (Proficient Teachers) and another for Master Teacher I to IV (Highly Proficient Teachers).
Each tool describes the duties and responsibilities of teachers across career stages, the Key Result Areas (KRAs) for the realization of those duties, and the specific objectives to attain the KRAs. It further presents in detail the various Means of Verification (MOV) that serve as proof of the attainment of specific objectives alongside performance indicators, from outstanding to poor performance.
These tools are practical to use, give preference to quality over quantity, ensure teacher effectiveness, and motivate professional growth and development. This set of RPMS tools were made by and for the teachers, resolving the issues of teachers having difficulty coming up with their IPCRF and compiling irrelevant and voluminous MOVs, and ensuring that their performance and practice of teaching are measured through standardized and objective manner.
It is important to note that with the development of these tools, teachers shall no longer craft/develop their own Individual Performance and Commitment Review Form (IPCRF) in view of the developed RPMS tools in the Manual allowing them to focus on teaching. – DepEd
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