Yesterday (Feburary 18,2020), an issuance bearing my name and signature trended on social media. The Aide Memoire entitled “Proposal to Use Sablay Instead of Toga for End-Of-School-Year Rites in Elementary and Secondary Schools,” explained the merits of the use of a Sablay instead of the Toga & Gown for Graduation Ceremonies.
READ: Proposal to use Sablay instead of Toga in EOSY rites
An Aide Memoire is “a written summary or outline of important items of a proposed agreement or diplomatic communication” (merriam-webster) which my Office usually issues to the Secretary, the DepEd Execom and Mancom, among others, as a briefer for current issues, position paper, or policy proposals. The Aide Memoire in question did indeed come from me (see copy below), which I sent to a DepEd Execom and Mancom Groups for their consideration and feedback, but somehow the aide memoire leaked through posts on Facebook.
To clarify, the Aide Memoire has yet to be discussed at the Execom-Mancom levels and remains a proposition. One positive outcome though of the leak was that we were able to gleam at the public’s sentiment towards the proposal, which has generally been favorable and very welcoming, give or take a few concerns that need to be addressed should the proposal be considered. We at the Department of Education (DepEd) value feedback and encourage everyone to voice their concerns and ideas.
Lastly, this incident helps reinforce the importance of checking facts and sources. DepEd officially releases its issuances through and its various official social media accounts that include DepEd Tayo and this page. At all times, OUA issuances are released at DepEd Workplace.

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