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3 reasons why every teacher and student should watch Avengers: Endgame

In a few days, Avengers: Endgame will hit Philippine’s theaters nationwide. If you are like me who isn’t really into anything Marvel but friends may have tried to make you watch all previous installments to enjoy its last chapter, I think it’s worth you consider. It might be worth your time and cash.
And if you are an educator like me, or a student of mine, I can site three reasons why you should treat yourself to this incredible Marvel experience.

1) Entertainment can teach us lifelong lessons, values

A Christian blogger Logan Judy puts it nicely, “Super-hero stories have a way of becoming life-affirming stories.” In a world of suffering and brokenness, the Avengers will always fight on the value of life. Why would a superhero sacrifice his own life just to save someone else’s life even if they aren’t worth dying for? Have you ever been in a position where you need to explain what love meant yet lacked the words to define it?

“Super-hero stories have a way of becoming life-affirming stories.”

2) Heroes come from unlikely places, then unite

Thanos is the Avenger’s most powerful ultimate enemy. If the good guys are to have any chance of stopping this monster, they must be united.
Each Avenger comes with a unique power, background and even personality. But in action, the things that unite come first; that which divides can follow. In fact, some of our heroes have monumental egos which have been hurt by each of their fellow Avengers in the past, yet they must put aside anything that can hinder them from winning.
How is that as a backdrop to teach nation building to our students which can also be applied first in the classroom?

The things that unite come first; that which divides can follow.

3) Good always win, again and again

Marvel’s greatest cosmic threat, Thanos is a brilliant portrayal by Josh Brolin. This evil Titan warlord wants the Infinity Stones, six objects of unimaginable power that can change, control and eradicate the universe. You may not have watched the movie, and nobody has seen it yet. But I’m sure you can guess the ending. Maybe.
But there’s one question which always boggles me. If we have always believed that good always win in the end, why do we choose to do that which is evil to attain what we think is good? Maybe by watching the Avengers: Endgame, you’ll have the answer.

If we have always believed that good always win in the end, why do we choose to do that which is evil to attain what we think is good?

Watch Avengers Endgame’s latest trailer here:

What do you think? Comment down bellow and don’t forget to share.
3 reasons why every teacher and student should watch Avengers: Endgame is first seen on DepEd Tambayan
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