Reading is one of the foundations of success. Take Bill Gates as an example, he reads 50 books a year. That is equivalent to 1 book a week. And now he is one of the richest man in the planet.
On an interview with the New York Times in 2016, he said that reading is still the “main way that I both learn new things and test my understanding.”
To help our teachers be the teacher that molds our students to be a better reader, we at DepEd Tambayan arranged these downloadable materials and we made sure that it is easily accessible to everyone.
Short Stories with Moral Lessons: (Just click the link below the picture to start your download)

Alternative Link (In case the link above doesn’t work)

If you want to share something you have made, send it to us through our email [email protected], and we will post it on our website.
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Daghang salamat…